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Delta Force 4 Black Hawk Down PC Game Download Free Full Version

Delta Force 4- Black Down: the tactical shooter series in computer gaming was one of the first. However, if last year's Task Force Dagger is any indication, the series, is in decline. Series, the new game Delta Force: Black Hawk Down, 1990s UN intervention in Somalia is focused on the popular novel and film Black Hawk Down is presented. New Delta Force game makes some progress in the series, but it's hard to take seriously, especially sports action sequences, which resemble old arcade games more than the original idea of ​​military operations.
Black Hawk Down is one of the large-scale environment.
Delta Force Black Hawk down loosely, the U.S. 75th Ranger Regiment, 10th Mountain Division, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment and elements of the mission undertaken by the apostle. Play the real world is filled with vehicles and weapons, but no, you idiot. Black Hawk Down some real-world trappings of a most direct, simple action game.
For any reason, developers using the idea and stressed out. First Mission to the United Nations in a convoy that came under attack from rural areas to take part in a rescue You have no control over foolish humvee drivers, but instead just blast each new target appears.
small foot snipe enemy camp run bad people. Since then, it has returned a rail shooter action, unthinking slaughter enemies as a Black Hawk helicopter carrying a minigun use. All 5 or 10 minutes in duration.
Do you want gameplay of Black Hawk Down was as dramatic as it sounds sometimes do.
Search for a realistic military rule with a Black Hawk will be very disappointed. But a simple shooter,'re looking for old fashioned, you enjoy taking part in something you can do with important issues. A player's mission objectives often seem contrived or repetitive, and overall campaign feels disjointed and amateurish. It is also poorly balanced - Most missions are very easy, but needs a few retries is infinite and constant disappointment. Mission is also unoriginal. Of course, they take ideas from the book and movie Black Hawk Down, but without doing him any justice. Re-creating Omaha Beach landing sequence with a mission of Medal of Honor is an effort, however poorly, everything Allied attack.
As in previous Delta Force games, Black Hawk Down is a very poor AI. Considered "elite" Delta Force and Army Rangers shoot each other, they push you into the line of fire, and repeatedly targets directly in front of them literally miss. In the past so atrocious that a narrow tunnel enemy is real and can not hit their target. Somali fighters as evil.So, it basically paying the Rambo running around and shooting all the sitting ducks. In fact, the game even keeps score for you - you, more than 1,500 Somalis during the campaign can expect to kill.
So far, at least down, Black Hawk tries to immerse you in the action and you actually feel like you are in the middle of a war zone half decent work. During mass starvation and tribal fighting, gun toting thug you both innocent civilians and filled with poverty-stricken cities will need to make your way through. Some citizens also excited hurl stones and left them shout at you.
As is, individual campaign hard to take seriously all the problems are. Black Hawk down at least provides a wide range of multiplayer options. It is a cooperative modes, game deathmatch, team deathmatch, capture the flag, king of the hill, and the other competitive methods. It does not break any new ground, but the game more interesting and unusual setting and a map that will be otherwise. Then the fatiguing maps spinner encourage duels, and he does it incredibly easy to sit on enemy respawn point and kill time before the opponents can react can. multiplayer maps and a machine gun emplacements control vehicle turrets, but you really can not pilot vehicles drive themselves. Rather, you hop aboard the default route as they automatically making their way along. The truth is that a slow-motion amusement park ride these vehicles remind you, maybe only with automatic weapons.
However, a former Delta Force Black Hawk Down game looks much better. Although it unreal tournament 2003 and it has some strange polygon clipping issues, Black Hawk Down is a very good outdoor lighting and good atmosphere. Somali cities look believably, because they rusted tin roof complete, break windows, run down and there are other signs of damage and dilapidation. See impressive bodies of water, reflecting the sun and the helicopter prop wash frothing. In time, the Black Hawk Down is actually exceeding, especially chaotic war reflects in large outdoor areas. Bullets tear away with sand and palm tree leaves kick, and cars are burned in spectacular explosions. At Black Hawk helicopter roaring, and throwing clouds of dust and the trees sway in the wake of the fall, and the minigun bullets spark metal roof. In addition, sports cars and weapons look pretty decent, but the game's character models and animations can be used to do a lot more work. Somali gunmen look like circus artists, as a kind of death he died comically acrobatic.
It's hard to genuinely intense action in Black Hawk come down, and the game suffers from the sin of many leading gameplay, but unlike previous Delta Force games, it's a move in the right direction for the series begins.Still, Black Hawk Down is a deep discipline which made many errors on the shooter fun or frustration for every moment is a moment of despair.

TRAILER: Delta Force 4 Black Hawk Down 


=> Processor= 1.GHz
=> RAM= 256MB
=> Graphics= 96MB

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